A1C Dropping like a ROCK Topic

I started MyNetDiary as my A1C was 6.3. Now, only 3 months into this, my A1C has dropped to 5.9. And I have no doubt it will continue drop. Keeping it real.

Hi there DarrylDePugh-
Strong work on changing your lifestyle! Your drop in A1C is a real testament to the shifts you have made. Do you engage in daily planned activity? If so, what works best for you? Are there certain foods you avoid? Has your weight changed during the last 3 months? Thanks for sharing more about how you are "keep'n it real!"
Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

My weight loss

Hi DarryiDePugh:

Great to hear that and congratulations. I also need to drop my A1C numbers.
I am inspired.
Thanks for sharing

Great job Darryl.

A1C Dropping like a ROCK