Any Diet Coke addicts? Know what I meanšŸ¤  Topic

Used to drink waaaay too many diet cokes before embarking on this lifestyle plan March 3rd. Now I have maybe half a can once every two weeks, an odd week might be up to two whole cans, but I've had less than 8 since I started. Realised water is better and slowly I now look to that moreso.

I find if I deny myself everything total I'll throw my hands up in the air and say "forget it", but when I have/had cravings for anything I allow myself something. Chocolate might be 3 Maltesers once in a blue moon. Sweet craving = 0 cal jellos and a squirt of cream for 30 cals max. Cookies = 2 x rich tea biscuits for 40cals each. Once in a blue moon on a birthday or a celebration my calorie count eating out that day might go up to almost double my allowance but ........ often it doesn't reflect on the scales and when it does I find it's back down again within a day or less being careful.

It takes time, patience and endurance but eventually things do become habitual. I was disheartened at the front end I didn't lose more but now I'm in the "slow but sure, hare and tortoise" mode and it suits me fine being a tortoise. Good luck, you can succeed.

I used to drink Dr. Pepper and sweet iced tea all of the time. No water. Since starting my healthy eating, I havenā€™t had anything to drink other than water. It was hard to do, but I feel better.

Iced water is my new best friend. Itā€™s not yet automatic and I have to remind myself of its benefits but Iā€™ve almost totally cut out Diet Coke - maybe one or two a week. It used to be 4 or 5 a day. As well as drastically reducing the nasties that contains, my skin is so much clearer and more glowing thanks to H20 - it really is the ultimate multitasker!

Any Diet Coke addicts? Know what I meanšŸ¤