Any ideas for loosing LOWER belly fat. Topic

I have been struggling with loosing lower belly fat and trying to keep it off. willing to try diets, exercises or just tips!!


Hi there Skyetangedal-

These articles can help!

Please keep us updated on your progress. Cheers to improved health through tracking~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi Skyetangecal.
Exercise & muscle strengthening is an important component in weight loss anywhere on the body. However you can not “spot train” to just lose weight in one area.
A combination of cardio & strength training is also important.
Try & find exercise you enjoy & will stick with to make it a part of your life long term.
And don’t go from nothing to trying to workout everyday if the week. That is a recipe for failure.
Start slow & build up from there.
Good luck!

Hi Skyetangecal.
I started this journey 2 years ago at 265 lbs. When I hit 199 I took a picture....because I did not believe that my body would change in just 65 lbs. Just go and look at my picture. I am now down 84 and hope to reach my goal this summer! Yes if you look at my age you will see 👀 I am almost 70 years young!💗

Suzi - wish I could *like* your comment. WAY to go!!

U1760484 thank you, I have a list of people that have tried to befriend me! But when you link it to your cell phone....well I don't have a cell!

I just started the keto 20 days ago, 10lbs down already and I notice my lower stomach inching up. I had 4 C-sections so that’s huge for me because I’m 20 years that thing has not moved!

Running is suppose to help target stubborn belly fat.

Any ideas for loosing LOWER belly fat.