App suggestion Topic
There should be a forum topic for app questions. It is a little confusing for us newbies to try to find where these questions may be. I thought the “newbies” Topic Forum but nope. So I just put my app question in some random one. Hope I get an answer🤨
What was your app question? I’m also a newbie, but I’ll try to help if I can.
replied to Elisgma
Hi there Elisgma-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! Thank you for the suggestion to add an area for app questions. I am happy to pass along this suggestion to the developers. In fact, they are in the process of updating the community forum at this time.
We have an amazing support team. They are happy to answer any questions you might have. Simply email
Finally, many people find these educational videos helpful when they first start using the app:
Have a great day~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
I like using an App in the Google Store called Hydro Coach (v. 4.6.2).
Within Samsung Health there is a setting to allow Water intake to be recorded obtaining the data from Hydro Coach.
I only want to use Hydro Coach to alert me to my water intake and to record the three litres I drink each day (600ml at 5 differing times two hours apart.
A problem arises because the water intake is not recorded in MyNetDiary since the link to Samsung Health only allows water data to flow TO Samsung Health and not FROM Samsung Health.
Is it possible to give further flexibility by allowing water data to be received from Samsung Health into your App? (Food data from Samsung Health is not required).
If that was added I would have a perfect setup to help fight my Diabetes.
(I am 72 years old and need all the help I can get).
replied to U1193862925
Sorry about the trouble, and thank you for reaching out.
Currently, the MyNetDiary Android app does not support "reading" water data from Samsung Health, only "writing." But thank you for bringing this up! I'll pass your suggestion to our developers to see if we can implement it.
In the meantime, you can use the MyNetDiary Water Reminders, including the Smart Reminder and Intervals functionalities, by tapping Settings from the Water screen.
Again, thank you for the feedback!
Dmitry S.
--MyNetDiary Tech Support team
App suggestion