Bar Code Scanning not working in latest update Topic

It may just be me but my app does not scan barcodes anymore after updating the app today.

The barcode UI freezes and I have to close the app and reopen it to log meals manually. Anyone else with this issue?

I scanned one and it worked for me.

Ive scanner a lot of ones but none worked.

Interestingly, I found the issue; when I go to settings and turn on the voice feature, the bar code scanner doesn’t work. When I turn off the voice feature, the barcode scanner works. So, it is probably a bug.

Thank you all for responding.

Hi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue. I just used it and it worked for me. I will pass it on to our support team to alert them that some people are having issues. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your help and reports regarding the barcode scan issue.
Our team is aware of it and is working on a fix ASAP.

Please bear with us and sorry about the inconvenience.

Best regards,
MyNetDiary support team

Bar Code Scanning not working in latest update