Best way to lose wt:
Wts versus cardio Topic

Hi! My goal is to lose wt. i have two questions.

I recently started a program on YouTube called epic 1 and it consists of 5 days a week workouts which are focused on specific muscle areas. For instance week 1 consists of:
Lower body dumbbells, upper body dumbbells, body wt abs and core, full body wt and dumbbell, then a HIIT. There are two rest days. I realize gaining muscle is better for my age and good overall but do you think my “wt” loss will be hindered bc the fat is now turning into muscle? Would you suggest breaking up the days with Cardio in between? I want to do this program and am almost done with week 1 but I also don’t want it to not have me lose wt...

I am using the app for my calorie intake. Would you suggest putting the app on the mode where it automatically calculates calories based on the new weight added?

Hello Aluther- I am not sure you saw my reply- so I am going to send it again.

The optimal workout routine consists of cardio/strength training and flexibility work.
I would suggest incorporating all into your week,,,,, if you can.

Since you goal is to gain muscle, strength training will want to take the top priority, if time is short. Here are 2 great resources to help with muscle gain-

-Yes! I would suggest turning the feature on automatically update your calories based on weight, this will help you to reach your goals. You've got this!
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you!! I’ve updated it to auto pilot and now it’s working well!

Thanks Aluther for for letting us know. Glad it is working! Best, Joanna

I’m going to check that out on YouTube, thanks.

Best way to lose wt:
Wts versus cardio