Binge eating Topic

Any tips on how to not crave sweets ? I have trouble resisting the urge to eat chocolate and sugar especially at night

I know this sounds a bit extreme but just imagine in your head that If you eat whatever your craving that the world will end if you eat it.

@U1192737045 I’ll try this out and hopefully I stop binging on sweets soon

thank you !! @U1192737045

Don’t be afraid to throw away candy or sweets that don’t help your health journey. Healthier sweet treats are always an option too!

@Papajohn i will and I just have no idea how to stop craving chocolate….it’s too good to resist ☹️and yes I’ve been thinking about making healthier alternatives instead

Have you tried a healthier alternative like “lily’s”? It’s a step down and then after that try and quit all together after a couple of weeks

Binge eating