Bloating and stomach discomfort Topic

I’m sorry I didn’t see if you were M or F. I will say that as I get close to getting my cycle I suffer from those same issues. That maybe playing a big part in it. The thing that I have found that has helped me was increasing my fiber intake and even taking a gentle laxative.

Hi U1194483154,

Sounds like you have made good progress! Sorry to hear you are having digestive issues. Are you drinking plenty of water and non-caloric fluids? You can track your water intake using the water glasses to the left of the apple on the dashboard. You also may want to track your digestive symptoms on the tracker. You can see if there is a link between certain foods and fluid intake and symptoms. Also, as Xolala said, increasing fiber may help as well. Keep us posted! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Yes I drink enough water n also I added chia seeds in my diet n yeah my period date is passed so maybe that’s the reason

Wat laxative do u take ?

Yes usually right before my cycle I get backed up and once I start it really gets things moving. I personally have used miralax. Also coffee can help with helping to speed up your bowels.

Lots of water + lots of whatever fiber works for you. Being on laxatives long-term is supposed to be a bad idea. Recent scientific studies are linking long-term use of osmotic laxatives to late-life dementia because it causes changes in gut flora (bad changes). See

It’s been known for a long time that long-term laxative use causes unhealthy changes in gut flora. What’s new is the finding that the changes may possibly lead eventually to dementia. More research needs to be done on this topic.

I think occasional, infrequent use of a laxative is okay. But I am relying on 10 prunes a day (which unfortunately is a lot of calories!) plus lots of carrots, raw cabbage, and other veggies. Also, I’ve just started taking ground flaxseed (it has to be ground, not whole, or it won’t work). With the ground flaxseed, it’s extra-important to drink lots of water.

I hope you feel better soon.


Bloating and stomach discomfort