Breastfeeding & calorie count Topic

I’m starting back on my calorie count to try and lose some weight. I am currently breastfeeding and do not want my supply to get affected. How do I account for the calories needed for breastfeeding but still follow a low calorie diet?

Hello Jess,

It is smart to be aware of how your weight loss could impact your milk supply. It is important to aim for gentle weight loss while breastfeeding. When your baby is 0-6 months old you burn roughly 330 calories/day exclusively breastfeeding.
When baby is older than 6 months, you burn roughly 400 calories/day from exclusively breastfeeding.

Many women find breastfeeding helps with weight loss. However, the amount varies between women. Your physical activity level, the amount of weight you gained during pregnancy and the amount of breast milk you are producing all play a role in creating the energy defecit needed to lose weight. You are correct, if you lose weight too fast, you can compromise your milk supply. Slow and steady weight loss is your friend! Strive to lose about 1 pound a week.

This article provides additional information when using the app and tracking breastfeeding:

Please keep us updated on your progress! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Breastfeeding & calorie count