Bug - Calorie Deficit including current day Topic

When swiping down on the main page it shows your calorie deficit for the week, but is including the current day even though it says “prior to today”.

Hi there U1195838945-
Thank you for reaching out! I will let our support team know. Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)


Sorry about the trouble, and thank you for reaching out.

Did you mark all the days with the records as "completed?" (https://www.mynetdiary.com/supportArticle.do?articleId=20001) I just checked your account, and you did not mark one of the previous days of the week.

Also, you have many additional options that impact accumulated calories enabled.

For example, the "Add Exercise To Calorie Budget" option, non-zeros daily exercise records, and it looks like you set up Calories & Macros Cycling.

There are many moving parts taken into account while calculating the "accumulated calories" number. If you still believe that the Dashboard pull-down statistics (https://www.mynetdiary.com/supportArticle.do?articleId=13601) still show invalid "accumulated calories saved from the total of your daily budgets" number, please email a particular screenshot to support@mynetdiary.com and let us know which "accumulated" numeric value has to be instead.

Thank you.

Dmitry S.
MyNetDiary Tech Support team

Bug - Calorie Deficit including current day