Calorie Counting Topic

What if I want to eat more calories (such as 1400 calories )cause I know it would will help burn weight faster but it just makes me look and feel like I’m gaining weight? I’m eating plenty protein and maintaining a healthy lifestyle but how many calories should I really be eating and biting a day to lose weight fast but while being able to keep it off? What should my macros be especially if I’m planning on gaining muscle?

Protein shakes, protein shakes, protein shakes AAAAAND protein shakes. Get one that has all the nutrients you need. They make you feel full and help your body NOT eat muscle but rather that it eats your body fat.

Hi U1193966993,

Thanks for reaching out. The good news is that the app helps you set a target calorie level based on your age, height, weight, and weight loss rate. If you plug those in, you will have your calorie budget. If you want to gain muscle, I would choose the high-protein diet. It will determine your macros. Here are some links you may find useful.

There are other articles in the high-protein library if you find the information useful. Check them out. Hope this helps! Please keep us posted. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Calorie Counting