Carb Count Topic

When watching carb intake, should it be total carbs or net carbs? Thank you

Hi there U119145383-

I hope your tracking is going well!

The method depends on your reason for tracking carbohydrates. Some people “watch carbs” for weight loss. While other individuals “watch carbs” because they have diabetes or prediabetes.

In a nutshell, You will find Total Carbs listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel of packaged foods.

Net Carbs involves the following math equation: Net Carbs = Total Carbs – Fiber-Sugar alcohols.

Diabetes Carb Count = Total Carbs − ½ (fiber if ≥ 5 grams/serving) − ½ (sugar alcohols if ≥ 5 grams/serving). This equation is considered to be a more accurate method of counting carbohydrates if one uses an insulin to carbohydrate ratio to determine their dose of rapid-acting insulin at meals.

Total Carbs will give the highest carb count and is considered basic carb counting.

Net Carbs will give the lowest carb count but likely underestimates the true digestible carb load and blood glucose rise after a meal/snack.

Finally, this article offers some additional information:

Experiment with the different ways of tracking to see what works best for you. Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Carb Count