Cortisol control and testosterone lvl vs weight gains Topic

I was doing research and found there’s thousands of studies pointing to high cortisol levels and testosterone drop in men which leads to weight gain. I’m looking into supplements to help with this and wondered if anyone else was also and if they found anything they can recommend?

I know cortisol can cause the body to hold on to weight. Cortisol levels increase during times of stress.
Have you actually had your cortisol & testosterone levels checked?
If not, you may be focusing on something that doesn’t really affect you.
Good luck.

Cortisol levels rise due to stress. Activities such as meditation or walking, exercise in general will help lower cortisol. Good luck!

I have been tested and was put on TRT after trying everything I could do naturally to address the issue. I have not tried a supplement to lower cortisol yet though which is why I'm looking into it, if I could manage my levels without injections it would be much healthier long-term. I've also had full thyroid work up and other tests before I started my current diet.

Hi LessBiggerInTX.
I’m not sure if you have considered a holistic nutritionist to help with your needs.
They have better training when it comes to supplement & hormone balances than family physicians do.
I saw one about 5 years ago for some digestive issues I was having, after my family doc not being able to offer much help & it changed my life.
I very much believe in Western medicine but when it comes to diet/nutrition/etc, family physicians get very little training.
Good luck!

Cortisol control and testosterone lvl vs weight gains