Dad weigh Topic

I don’t know if you can relate but ever sence my son Nickolas was born I’ve gained over 50 pounds do you now how to lose it or why I’ve gained so much 🫃👦

Hi U1194076340.

Thanks for reaching out. Weight gain after childbirth is not uncommon. It is great that you are aware and wanting to take care of your own health. How long has it been since your pregnancy? Along with hormonal factors, sometimes a change in lifestyle (change in environment, less sleep) can impact weight. Do you find yourself doing less exercise and possibly eating more since having your son?

Here are some articles you may find useful for developing a plan to take the weight off. If you are breastfeeding, that can help with postpartum weight loss yet it is very important to eat healthy and not over restrict so you can produce adequate breastmilk. (this has information on postpartum weight loss)

Hope this helps! Please reach out if you have additional questions or need support! We are here for you! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’m sorry I’m tired I’m mean 7 years old

Hi Fatdaddy-
Weight gain after having kids is not uncommon. There are a variety of factors that contribute, such as not having as much time to cook healthy foods or engage in exercise. In addition, raising children is mentally and physically exhausting, leaving you little bandwidth to take care of your own needs.
Good for you for making a change and taking care of your health!

I'd suggest starting to track your food intake. Simply follow the prompts in the app for a reasonable calorie budget. For best results, track what you are eating, when you are eating it.
-Many people find these videos helpful when using the app:

-Build healthier meals by using the plate method. This article provides examples:

-Find some way to build movement into your day, as you are able. Perhaps you and your son can play together at the park?
If you are finding it hard to get to a gym, these home workouts can be handy:
Make sure to listen to your body, and progress slowly.

-Please keep us updated on your progress! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’ll have to do that😄

Dad weigh