Devastating Diagnosis Topic

I was well on my way to losing weight last year, had gotten to just under 200 pounds, when I unexpectedly got pregnant. My husband and I had admittedly been trying before, but after almost a year, we gave up actively trying and figured that maybe something was hindering us, like infertility. So we didn’t pay attention anymore and accepted our fate that we might be childless. I continued with my weight loss program and regular exercise regime (exercise was never the problem, in fact I was an athlete growing up especially in the swimming category). Then suddenly I wound up pregnant a couple months later. Now, fast forward about 7 and a half months. We are of course overjoyed that we were able to conceive after all, and so far the pregnancy had been going well, until suddenly it wasn’t. You see, the only thing that was really bugging me was how much I had been gaining. All that hard work of getting down from 250 all the way to 190 went out the window. Yes I was eating a bit more than usual but was still tracking calories. Trying not to add more than the recommended amount of calories pertaining to each trimester. However, due to pregnancy hormones and lack of exercise (I was too nauseated to exercise most of the time except for daily walks), I started gaining weight very rapidly. Within 7 and a half months of finding out I was pregnant my weight literally JUMPED from 190 to 280. Literally almost a HUNDRED FRICKIN POUNDS. And to make matters worse, I failed my glucose test and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I am absolutely devastated. I did my best to do all the right things and eat healthy for my baby’s sake as well as mine, and stayed hydrated and was at least still walking everyday, and yet….my weight jumped through the roof and I wound up being diabetic. I am also fearful of my future because I was told almost half of all women who have gestational diabetes go on to have full blown type 2 diabetes later in life. And for a small minority, some never recover from gestational diabetes and remain diabetic even after giving birth. I don’t know how to cope with this….it’s too much to process. I am at a loss for words. And I don’t know how I am going to manage things now. Just looking for some encouragement, I guess. The only thing that keeps me from feeling depressed is noticing that my baby is still healthy and active and kicking a lot even if I’m not doing my best, so that’s a good sign. Other than that I’m at a loss for words. I feel like this is all my fault. Why couldn’t I stop my weight gain? Why did I gain so fats? My doctor said excessive weight gain during pregnancy is actually an early predictor as well as a sign later on of gestational diabetes and said there’s nothing I could’ve done to prevent it, that it appears to be hormones from the placenta that are keeping my body from properly producing and utilizing insulin, but it doesn’t make me feel much better.

Kristina -I know that you will begin again on your journey to lose your weight. Playing and running with your little one will come before you know it! At 65 I found myself at 265 baby's grew up and moved😌 please look at my pictures at 70! When I got under 200 my hubby took this picture. I am working to lose 20 more pound now. Then I will be working to keep it off. Life is so very short, enjoy your family and be the best you can be! Suzi

You can do this!! Stop putting so much stress on yourself. Weight for most everyone is a slow process. Start to get back on track by eating less carbs and knowing you will be moving in the right direction.

Hi there, stressing out will not help. If you can do it in the past, you can do it again. Hang in there and enjoy your time with your child.

Hi KristinaHarr- I am sorry to hear you are struggling!
A sudden pregnancy, unplanned weight gain, and unplanned blood sugar issues can be very stressful. The good news is many women are able to control their blood sugars solely through lifestyle modification during pregnancy. I think you will find this article helpful:
If you haven't done so already- I would suggest meeting individually with a diabetes educator. They will be able to teach you how to test your blood sugar and what foods to eat/avoid for your health and for the health of your baby. Your doctor's office will be able to provide a referral.
We are cheering you on! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you all for your kind words

Devastating Diagnosis