Diabetic Topic

I am a type two diabetic. I am struggling with my blood sugar. What is the best diet to follow? Guidance is appreciated.
Thank you Cindy

Hi there U119077364-
Welcome to MyNetDiary!
When you say struggling with your blood sugar do you mean you are having highs or lows or both?
National guidelines generally encourage the following blood glucose targets, though check with your doctor for individual guidance-
Fasting and premeal blood sugar: 80-130. Two hours post meals, less than 180.

It is important to eat 3m/day and possibly snacks. Sometimes people avoid eating in hopes it will lower their blood sugar. In reality, eating regularly helps to keep your blood sugar more stable. This article provides useful information about carbohydrates and how to keep track of carbs using the app. This is important as the type and amount of carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to go up more than protein and fat in foods.
Here's a sample meal plan to get you going:
B: Fat free Greek yogurt with berries and nuts
snack: Carrots and hummus
L: Salmon salad with whole wheat crackers and olive-oil based dressing
D: Grilled chicken with veggies over quinoa
snack: apple and peanut butter.
As far as a diet plan is concerned, I'd suggest checking out the low-carb plan or Mediterranean plan. These are both accessed through our Premium diet plans: https://www.mynetdiary.com/diet-goals.html

For additional recipe ideas check out our Premium recipes: https://www.mynetdiary.com/mynetdiary-s-premium-new-feature-over-200-delicious-recipes.html
Please let us know if other questions remain. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

My struggle is with high blood sugar! Thank you for the help!

Hi Cindy- You are welcome! Let us know if other questions arise. Best, Joanna
