Exercise planning Topic

Hi guys , this is my first time using the app just need some help understanding the calorie budget
Ok so normally I do my exercise in the evening before dinner. Initially I had it set for the exercise calories to be automatically placed in from fitwatch. Now my question is , Is the new calorie total what I have to reach by the end of the day and not follow the previous calorie budget shown before I inputted calories burned ? If someone could explain this to me this will be greatly appreciated. For now I have turned of the automatic import of calories from exercise and just stuck to eating the calories shown

Hi Christy272322- Strong work on making exercise a priority!
If your goal is weight loss we suggest not adding back the calories to your daily budget.
Simply turn off the setting "Add exercise to calorie budget" and your budget won't change even when you input your exercise into the app.
So to answer your question- Use the old calorie total if your goal is weight loss (before you worked out), not the new calorie total. Does that make sense?
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Glad to read this I just started today and I am making a goal to do stretches and walk at least a mile today I had a csection 4 months ago and I have been sitting around breastfeeding this whole time I am stiff hurting and can’t hardly move I am so out of shape and I have gained 66 lbs since I got pregnant.

Hi Stephaniebabystuart- Welcome to MyNetDiary!
Make sure to start slow with your activity. Here is a professional video developed by a PT for women to regain core control and strengthen the pelvic core muscles after giving birth- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMS_5uxvB0o&list=UU2RcYtc2w3pYw6Y_px-hPfQ&index=15&t=0s

You've got this! Joanna

Thanks I will watch it!!!

I really enjoyed doing babyweight mommy and me exercizes

That is awesome! Great way to include your baby and get in some exercise.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great day! Joanna

Exercise planning