Exercise structure Topic

I started actively dieting and exercising consistently towards the end of May. I’m down nearly 18 pounds and would like to drop maybe another 5-10 lbs. I’ve made some pretty significant body changes in a fairly short period but I would like to gain more muscle tone and definition, not bulk. I work out 6 days a week for between 30-50 minutes and I alternate between cardio and strength training with dumbbells. I’ve done some research and it’s so confusing how much info is out there and how contradictory it can be. I’m not sure how I should be rotating my focus during my workouts. I typically do full body sets but I know some people concentrate on a specific body group (legs for example) when they work out. Is there a recommended structure or does it vary for each individual? How do you determine the right schedule for yourself? Thank you for any help and guidance!

For most, training just legs or upper body is about time management and recovery. Not everyone has the time to do a full body workout. Not everyone can train the same muscles every alternate day.

For e.g. I try to do a full body workout on Mondays which takes me 1.5+ hours. My legs and chest need more recovery and so on Wednesdays I only do upper body minus chest. On Fridays I do legs and chest. More recovery is essential also because I train hard.

I do strength to retain muscles while cutting to lose body fat and cardio in between to burn more calories.

Getting fit is like a journey in self discovery. Do what you can sustain over a long time.

Have a look at an app called Fitbod. It seems really good. You put in your details and it works out a routine out for you. You can put in the time you want to train.

You can put in what equipment you have or not. It will work out body weight program as well.

If you have a gym it will work out a program including what weight you should lift.

I’ve only really started using it but so far so good.

Hi U1192500004,

Yes, definitely personalize your plan. You can get lost and confused by all the information on the web. Can you work with a personal trainer to individualize your workout plan to meet your goals for weight loss and improved body tone? Also, this is a nice article on getting adequate and quality protein to help you meet your goals. It was written by a reputable sports nutritionist.


Best of health to you! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi 0004... I found a female Amy Roskelley - Healthbeet. I wanted a female, mom, active, competitive person she is -well for me. I have six exercises with weights 6 days a week. Mon. Legs, Tue. Shoulders, Wed. Back, Thur. Legs, Fri. Shoulders and Sat. Biceps and Triceps! Loud music and lots of sweating. Too fun! I love riding a bike for cardio and after dinner my husband and I walk. Oh did I tell you I 'm 70 years. Young😌😌

Exercise structure