Fellow Vegetarians? Topic

I’m a couple weeks away from being a vegetarian for one full year.

As I count my calories I’m noticing that my protein intake was actually worse than I thought despite my attempts to eat protein rich meals.

Any tips to make sure I’m getting a healthy amount of protein without throwing my calories out of whack?

Budget for beans

Hi there Amseaman-
Here are some protein-rich vegetarian options to consider in addition to beans:)
1. Chia seeds
2. Soymilk
3. Soynuts (I love these as a snack)
4. Almonds and almond butter- You can make energy bites out of nut butter for a snack
5. Whole grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, and barley for example provide some protein as well as other nutrients.
Cheers to tracking! It is an amazing tool when it comes to achieving our health goals. Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Beans, lentils (soup!), mushrooms, chickpeas (hummus!), nuts, quinoa, almonds, tempeh and my favorite: peanut butter.

i’ve been vegetarian for 8 years. i love to get my protein in with 3 bean salads and cowboy caviar!

Hi Meanmina and all,

Lots of excellent and tasty ideas!
I have included an article on plant-based protein sources in case it is helpful.

MyNetDiary Dietitian

I’ve been a vegetarian for 50 years this year. Unfortunately, I like lots of not so good stuff so I’m here to lose weight. I eat a lot of tofu, edamame and soy products. I also eat a healthy amount of nuts. I love hummus and as an ovo -lacto Vegetarian I eat small amounts of cheese and eggs. I’ve been able to find fat free yogurt, also , which I eat with cereal and put in smoothies.

Hi I’ve been lacto ovo Vege since 1980. I’m 61 and now finding it difficult to keep at a steady healthy weight. I think it’s the high carbs of the Vege diet. I eat lots of healthy stuff but also like to snack. Hope you all have a sunny weekend ☀️☀️☀️


Fellow Vegetarians?