Frustrated Topic

I've been logging my food religiously, staying within my calories. I've made no food off limits. For me, taking something away because it's bad makes me want it more. I'm not much of a vegetable fan, however, I do use 2 scoops of powdered veggies to get the nutrients. I had gastric bypass surgery 22 years ago. Lost 150lbs and kept it off 11 years. Then the yoyo started again. I would not recommend gastric bypass. I do not absorb enough nutrients especially vitamin D and Iron. Anyway....i am up 3 lbs this week. I just want to give up. Right now exercise is not possible because of health issues.

Ok, venting helped. I need to go make rice for my Mediterranean salad tonight. Have a great day all.

I'm the same way, I can't tell myself something isn't allowed or it's all I'll think about. Hang in there!

Hi KT10,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. It sounds like you have accomplished a lot of weight loss in the past. Please stick with it so you can maintain that success! You can do this!

Here are some motivational articles you may find helpful.

Please keep us posted. We're here for you! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you Brenda. I appreciate you responding. I had a good day after putting myself out there.
