Gaining weight with gastroparesis? Topic

Due to my stomach condition, I’ve been finding it nearly impossible to meet my goal of 3,000 daily calories. Typically, I’ve only been able to get 1,200-1,500, which is a big improvement from the less than 1,000 I’ve been used to, but it is still discouraging when my goal is to gain weight. Since I feel full after a small amount of food, what are some good calorie-dense foods? Primarily I’ve been having protein rich foods like chicken and fish, but they just aren’t cutting it in terms of calorie counts.

Ensure and Fortify helped my friend when illness made her dangerously thin. Best wishes!

Muffins are surprisingly calorie dense and helped me when I was having apetite issues.

Hi Micah-

You'll want to focus on eating protein-rich foods and foods low in fiber.
This article lists protein rich foods:

In addition, this article has tips on healthy weight-gain strategies:

Please keep us posted on your progress! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I always believed my lack of hunger was ketosis and was so excited at how non-existent my hunger was after about 4-5 days. But after a while, it was shocking how little hunger I had & how little I could eat - 600 calories - and worse, I was not losing weight!

I posted all over the internet and all everyone focused on was the low calories & how dangerous that was, rather than on my actual query.

I finally researched myself on this recent return to weight loss & Keto and discovered gastroparesis. What an eye-opener!

I’ve never had great digestion & have successfully used Digestive Enzymes in the past. So I restarted taking them again after a few days of bloating & slow digestion, and what a relief! I’m eating 1200 calories a day and actually feel like I’m digesting. Rather than feeling bloated. My appetite feels normal too.

Maybe they’re not what you need but thought I’d share because they work for me & are a simple fix.
Good luck

Yes this is exactly what I’ve been experiencing thank you so much heading to happy this helps a lot

Gaining weight with gastroparesis?