Getting Through the Holidays in 2020 Topic
The holidays won’t be quite the same in our family this year. We still will celebrate but not quite so interactively.
Managing food is something I need to think about way in advance and plan. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. It’s not just the food- although the food is great- but the smells of cooking, the warmth of the house, the family just hanging out.
I have already made decisions about what I will eat that day. First of importance is the dessert. We are getting a very special dessert this year called a “piecaken” which is a dessert version of a truducken. So I work backwards. I want the dessert so I will have a really skimpy meal. Mostly salad and a little turkey. The dessert will be a zillion calories I’m sure. But, once a year- I have to do it!
I can usually get through Chanukah and Christmas fine. I just control my portions and if I want something special, I try to incorporate into my calories. To me, undoing all the hard work I’ve done in the last 6 mos would be a travesty! Sadly, there will be less parties, get togethers in our world but hopefully next year will be brighter!
Happy Holidays to all.
Getting Through the Holidays in 2020