How to maintain after losing Topic

Hi! I’ve lost weight by consuming around 500 calories a day, while burning many calories through lots and lots of exercise. I have finally reached my weight goal of 140 pounds after being 175 pounds. How am I not supposed to gain weight by increasing my caloric intake to my maintain (2000 calories). I don’t know what to do. Should I lose until 135 pounds so that when I’m increasing my calories to my maintain I only gain 5 pounds? Not sure what to do.

Just keep your calorie in maintain level or even less of your current rate. Then it should be fine

I would keep your calories at around 1,000 but it depends how active you are and you’re age.

Hi U1187867230,

First off, congrats for losing to your goal weight! Your maintenance calorie goal should be personalized to your ht, wt, age, and activity level. Does the tracker tell you to eat 2000 calories per day now? I would definitely turn off the setting to add exercise calories back in and also make sure you are maximizing cardio, strength training and just activities of daily living to help fuel your metabolism for maintaining your healthier weight! Here are some excellent expert MyNetDiary articles to help you maintain!

Keep us posted! You've got this! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi U1187867230,
Congratulations on hitting your goal! Such hard work!!
My 2 cents....I lost 60 lbs 6 years ago(ish) and have been maintaining my weight loss since. Everything Brenda said is spot on and the blog posts she sited all have really key info. An additional thing that has worked for me is to keep MND settings at losing 1/2 lbs a week for my calorie budget. I do well at sticking to that during the work week and then can ease up on the weekends. Sunday’s are frequently a non tracking day (while being intentional about good choices) and then Monday I am back at my tracking. It has turned into a good rhythm for me to not get fatigued on tracking and feel like I get a break.
A pattern of regular tracking with MND has been HUGE at helping me maintain my weight.
Excited for you to move on to maintaining!

Hi Drinkmorewater- Thank you for sharing what has worked for you! I so appreciate you taking the time to chime in on this one.
Congrats on maintaining your weight loss for 6 years. That is awesome!
I appreciate your sentiment about working in "tracking breaks."
I think that is key to building a long term habit of tracking as just like anything else, tracking takes time and energy and can get fatiguing.
Have a great week- Joanna (MyNetDiary Registered Dietitian)


How to maintain after losing