How to stop eating in the night? Help! Topic

Hi Jamabowers-

You are not alone! Snacking after dinner is quite common and can make it difficult to lose weight. Here are some expert tips to help:

Hang in there~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Take massive actions towards what you want instead of what you don’t want.

We ultimately decide on what we want. It all comes down to focusing on what our goal/our why, Instead of the actual weight/fat we want to lose.

Focus on your end goal(create a visual) rather than not trusting yourself that each night you will snack.

Change hard work to embracing taking massive action. Change the decisions you are making. Flip the switch and “decide to make better decisions.” Everything else will catch up eventually.

We are already deciding what we want, all that is left is to trust the process and trust ourselves. Mindset, you can do it!! We can do it!!

HI!!! the best way is to eat a large portion for breakfast (burns off throughout the day), moderate lunch (still has time to burn off) and then a small dinner. you should be full with 3 full meals daily:)

When you first wake up your body releases sugars to help get you going so it’s best to wait an hour or so before having breakfast.
So breakfast to me should be a serving of oatmeal, yogurt, and maybe a protein drink.

Snack: something small and filling like a small sandwich or an apple with peanut butter.

Lunch in my opinion should be the biggest meal. Entree with salad and soup.

Snack: pickles, triuscuits. Something light and small.

Dinner: something like a powerbowl

Also weird thing I learned is that your not supposed to drink and eat at the same time cause the drink will dilute the stomach acids so some of the nutrients will get lost in the process.

Are you getting enough protein? You might try increasing that to see if it helps. I take it that you are hungry?

I am the SAME way! Bowls of cereal, toast, and olives are my go to. I’ll wait until my husband goes to bed and then pig out. It’s all bad because then I also can’t sleep. Thanks for asking this question, I feel less alone

Hi all,

Habits can be very hard to break. Late-night snacking is common. Try to change up your evening routine so that you can break the triggers. For example, go to a different area of the house or do activities, such as knitting or working on a puzzle, that don't involve eating. I would definitely not stock the usual foods you snack on in the evening.
This article has good advice for late-night snacking.

You can do this! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I am the same way@Jamabowers. I love getting snacks, getting comfortable, watch tv and snack away. My most favorite to do… I look forward to it. I started IF in June and it has ready helped so very much in that area. I usually stop eating around 6:00 pm and starting fasting at 16 hours and now I’m up to 20-21 hours. There have been a few rough nights but not many at all. I drink lots of water, one glass with ACV, which has curved my appetite. I’ve also put pink salt under my tongue. It really has been a game changer for me. I feel so much better. I know you can conquer this and start feeling better about yourself. You can do this. Like others have said, keep yourself busy and stay hydrated.

I used to do this, now I have half a pot 50g protein yoghurt from Lidl. You won’t be able to eat bread, sweets etc. you’ll be so full. Try it. Protein is key! Satiating foods that will keep u full. Babybel lights are great for snacking and contain 5g protein.

Start easy!
Stock up on some snacks that are healthier alternatives, preferably something with protein or fiber.
Single serve cottage cheese cups, Hard boiled eggs, Apples, A cup of grapes, Pickles or Olives if you’re craving salt, etc.

How to stop eating in the night? Help!