Keeping it simple Topic

What are simple hacks that you’ve been using on your weight loss journey?

I’ve been using the lean cuisine meals as a go to. They are cheap and low in calories. The chicken in wine sauce is only 150 calories! This is my go to for lunch. For dinner I’ll eat one that is a bit higher in calories but still usually under 300 calories and then make a big spinach and fruit salad with freshly squeezed lemon juice. My total supper count is around 500 calories or less.

Are the lean cuisine meals high in sodium?

The chicken in wine sauce is listed as 590mg 26%... I’d have to double check the package but that’s what it’s listed as on this app when you look it up.

I’m sure it depends on each dish... some probably have more some probably have less just like the calories.

I’m not really sure what is considered high or low 😅 I’m still learning

Keeping it simple