Keto recipe plan versus low carb Topic

Hi I am starting the keto green and was wondering which plan would be best to use. I’m thinking low carb bc it has a lot more greens … thanks for helping

If you’re male you experience fantastic loss on keto, IF you track correctly. I suggest investing in a good scale and measuring devices if you haven’t already. Keto is hard, but if you can see it, it will happen! I’m not keto but my partner is. If you go that route let your support system know.

I try not to eat things I know are triggering around my partner and meal prep him down to his snacks. He’s 30lbs down WITH nearly daily gym recompositioning his body and people don’t recognize him. I posted his before and afters and people thought he got gastric bypass.

The weight loss wasn’t insane per se because he was building muscle too. He’s leaving more to a “V” shape than pear, etc.. it’s the only diet successful in reversing diabetes.

Recommend it—it’s hard AF for women but dudes take it better in my coaching experience. At the very least you’ll give your tastebuds a period of reconditioning where you should find your cravings for sugar and fat food or indulgent foods tanks after any where from 3 days to a week or two.

Definitely helps to have your support. If you need mine I’m here :)

I do want to add if more greens is your goal, keto may not be for you, as a veg heavy diet can easily result in carbs exceeding keto limits. May I ask, what’s your goal? Leaning out? Gaining muscle? Etc..

Hello Aluther,

My understanding is that the keto green plan is still a keto plan but emphasizes healthier fats and low-carb veggies, making it a higher quality plan. With that in mind, the keto plan may be your best bet. Try it and if it is too limited, you can switch over to low-carb.

Here are some articles our dietitians wrote on making the keto plan as healthy as possible.

Keep us posted on how you're doing! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Brenda thank you for clarifying. Could you direct how to RE - set up Net Diary for anyone changing their diet plan to the "Ketotarian" plan? I found the percentage page to change macronutrients then changed them but became confused how to read the net carb / diabetic carb concept. Is it included in the carb reading or do I need to calculate the net carbs out. If so how would I do that?

Keto recipe plan versus low carb