Loose weight Topic

how do I loose weight faster than 1lb a week I wanna loose at least 10lb by march

Losing 10 lbs within a month is generally considered too much for that time frame unless you’re “just starting out”. Cutting back on a few calories (nothing crazy) and/or adding in exercise can help with a goal of losing 1.5-2 lbs a week.

It damages your liver to lose more than 2lbs a week. Trust me I had a fatty liver that changed to 4th stage liver disease. You DO NOT want cirrhosis. Just lose slowly.😊

Hi there U1194336308-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! We are so glad you found us!

We support healthy eating and tracking as a path to meeting health goals. When it comes to weight loss we suggest working towards losing between 1/2-2# a week. By setting a reasonable weight loss goal you'll be able to eat enough to feel full and still have the energy to exercise.

This article can help you set a reasonable and healthy weight loss goal:

In addition, many people find these videos helpful when using the app:
Please keep us updated on your progress~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Loose weight