Low calorie-high protein snacks Topic

I’m a newbie to calorie counting, any ideas of low calorie and high protein snacks to get through the munchies?

I eat banannas/ apples and peanut butter! It’s filling and it’s got your proteins and fruits, there’s also some home made trail mix recipes you can find if you google them that aren’t very hard. If you can’t find any recipes out there you like I eat goldfish as well. The best tip I can give you is only eat the serving sizes. Try your best to stick to those.

I do a serving size (about 20 g) of cheese, a serving of whole wheat crackers, an apple and a serving of pips palm oil free pb! Filling!

Hi there U1190046263- Welcome to MyNetDiary!
We have a host of resources to support you in your weight loss journey including tons of high protein/high fiber snack ideas. Here are a few you may find helpful:


Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hard boiled egg

I’ve been working on this too! Love the suggestions on the MyNetDiary article on protein sources, but I wanted to come up with some recipes to maybe have on hand too. The first thing I’m trying is some roasted spiced chickpeas. Boiled eggs sound like a good plan too if you like them! My challenge is I’m not eating much meat, so protein can be a little tricky. Going to figure it out though!

Hi there ChristieHolmes- Great idea to keep things on hand. When hunger strikes, you are ready! I like adding chickpeas to my salads and keeping soynuts on hand for snacks (they are lower in fat than other nuts) and rich in plant-based protein.
Have you seen our vegetarian resource guide? It lists some other plant-based protein sources:
Let us know how the roasted/spiced chickpeas turn out.
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Low calorie-high protein snacks