Metabolism boost ideas? Topic

Hi all! I’m feeling like my metabolism is so slow. I lose weight for a bit then my weight loss bottoms out. Any way to get over the bottomed out weight loss or kick start my metabolism? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Try using MCT oil. Start off with a tablespoon. Then work your way up to 3 if your body can handle it. I usually put it in my keto cold brew in the morning. Definitely helps with me. Another thing you can do is intermittent fasting if you haven’t already tried that. I’ve had the most success with weight loss while being on keto. January 15, 2019 I was 351 pounds. By June 14, 2019 I was 240. And I didn’t even step foot in a gym till May 5th that year. Wanted to make sure my diet was on point before I took on the gym. Granted, I do have a physical job where I burn anywhere from 1k-1,500 calories just with work alone. Hope this helps.

Hi there Monkcritters- Welcome to MyNetDiary!

Building muscle is the best way to rev up your metabolism. Whether you do it with pilates, lifting weights in the gym, or cross fit, find a way to do regular strength training.

This article provides some additional tips:

Please keep us updated on your progress~ Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietiitan)

Metabolism boost ideas?