My first cheat day Topic

After 2 whole weeks of cutting fast food out of my diet, only eating homemade foods, cutting junk foods and replacing it with fruits and healthy alternatives, and eating at a calorie deficit, I was able to lose 7 pounds and the joy I felt was immeasurable. However, today after visiting home and being surrounded by delicious pastries and snacks, I had a moment of weakness and ate so much, my calorie intake was double my deficit goal. Right now I feel super guilty about it and I really hope I continue my diet until I hit my target weight. Whenever I had cheat days in the past, I wasn’t able to get past it and I would end my diet and start gaining weight again. What advice could anyone offer that would help me not lose motivation to keep going?

If you quit because of one bad day, it’s like giving your car away because of one flat tyre… accept it for what it was. A single day in a long program… we all have an off day now and then - be kind to yourself and get back to being focused on the outcome you want.

If you quit because of one bad day, it’s like giving your car away because of one flat tyre… accept it for what it was. A single day in a long program… we all have an off day now and then - be kind to yourself and get back to being focused on the outcome you want.

Ignore that voice who tells you that you are not going far with your diet plan,i just lost about 7kg in one month and I can telo u to not give up bro!

100% agree with Alex I lost 8kgs in one month, the key to it is consistency. Don’t forget that 1 day isn’t going to effect your progression. It’s a journey not a race! Good luck.

100% agree with Alex I lost 8kgs in one month, the key to it is consistency. Don’t forget that 1 day isn’t going to effect your progression. It’s a journey not a race! Good luck.

Wow so many with great advice! I have not slipped up but I 'm inspired by all these words of wisdom. I try to plan ahead, when we are attending a large buffet I have learned to fix a large protein smoothie and take it with me, having something in my hand helps me. Learning that today, tommorow, and the next day matter....yesterday is over! It's a learning adventure💕🙋

@U1191942616 - Saturday night I was at a birthday party that included a lot of cocktails, great food, soft drinks. Even Sunday morning there were pastries. And I don’t feel guilty. What is life without enjoyment? I am very conscious about my food intake & exercise on a regular basis. One 24 hr period is not going to make that big of a difference, once in awhile.
Neither should you.
Good luck!


Good morning everyone I have been following this app for 11 weeks now and I’m down 25 pounds and I am a 56-year-old post menopausal woman my advice would be instead of considering it a cheat day incorporate what you’re going to eat into your calories/carbs as I do -one day I wanna a quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald’s so I ate it but I calculated the calories and carbs to make it fit into my daily allowance

My first cheat day