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Hi All
This is my first post as I’m completely new to this program. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dawn I am morbidly obese and need to lose weight badly. I have tried the fad diet plans and weight watchers, slimming world etc but I just lose track and interest really quickly. This app/program seems to have grabbed my attention and I’m enjoying planning my meals and changing items for healthier alternatives.
I would love to hear about other members successes and any hints and tips you may have.
Pleased to meet you all. 🙂

What has helped me see changes was cutting out the little things, whether that’s cut back on how much candy/sweets you eat, drinking or cutting out soda. Little things like these will help you maintain and build up your dedication towards your weight lose. And whenever you feel confident enough then that’s when you start doing the hard stuff like dieting or working out. Also drinking a lot of water when you get cravings or urge’s will help alot!!!!, I hope this helped and just remember that you won’t reach your goal in a few days or weeks, but you’ll get closer to your goal within those days and weeks of hard work and dedication to yourself!!! You got this.

Hi Dawn.
I have found this app helpful as well.
A few tips I would add: weight loss is a great bonus but it shouldn’t be our only goal - feeling better both mentally & physically, having more energy & improving our overall life are equally important.
Setbacks are ok. It is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take time & that’s ok.
I found ensuring I am getting enough protein has made a huge difference for me in terms of cravings & feeling fuller longer.
Don’t be afraid of exercise. Our bodies are meant to move. Find something you enjoy & it will be easier to stick with.
Baby steps & small goals are much easier for success.
Good luck!

I have been so hard for the last month and yet I am still at the same weight I exercise everyday such as biking swimming lifting and walking. I use to run but am no longer because of my age. I do not like sweets being checking on all nutritional food and no salt. Just want to lose 10 lbs but weigh the exact thing everyday even changing amount of calories and adding more protein Can anyone help me??

You may be building muscle mass from the exercise. Do you notice your clothes getting looser or fitting better?

Just remember, you have to be in calorie deficit to lose weight, no matter what. This man’s you need to eat less calories than you burn off. Don’t buy into counting macros, most people get enough protein. Any deficit between 100-700 calories is good, but preferably on the lower end 200 calorie deficit or you will fell sluggish.

First of all, welcome Dawno. It takes a very strong person to want to change their lifestyle instead of steady comfortable in their ways now. I have been on this app on and off for 4 years now, so I know it’s one of the best ones out there. I myself have issues with my weight, a few setbacks, and too many goals that I want to reach. Like everyone else mentioned, baby steps are key. Cutting out little things go a long way. A bit more walking and water in your every day life will change you. Your first step of wanting to change is already done. We are routing for you! Keep of the great work!

This is my first post I am back and determined to focus on me after taking a break from feeling the wrong way about progress, food, my workout environment and not doing good enough. I’ve ditched my old calorie tracker, revisited my own vision and realize we are all made differently. My progress is mine and I’ve crushed it so far now to drop the toxic and be proud of myself.

I have used this app for about 4 mos now and can say you have chosen right! I have fought the same 20lbs all my adult life. I am in my 70’s. I too have tried them all. I have friends now doing all kinds of popular diets and not only are they missing out on good sustainable nutrition but they complain all the time! This app has taught me to eat what I am use to but in a new healthy way. I learned about deficits and how to use that info to eat less but oh wow, when to eat MORE and not be ashamed. The numbers work! I wish you the best as you learn about what is best for your body! I feel better and more in control than I have in years! Food is not drawing me anymore, I am controlling it! You will do it! This app is the real deal. And I must mention that I also have prayed and drawn on the strength I have through Christ.

