new! Topic

hi i’m new, i’m a 14 year old teen who’s almost 200 pounds 😪 please leave some tips below

I would cut out the unhealthy stuff in ur diet and do some workouts either in the gym or at home. And remember that u have to stay consistent to get a result and that it gets easier. Good luck Xx

Hi there U1194780119-

The MyNetDiary app is intended for use by adults who are trying to lose weight and meet health goals.

Do your parents and/or legal guardians know you are unhappy with your body shape and size? Do they know you are trying to lose weight and reaching out for advice over the internet?

When you registered for the app, you agreed to the app's Terms of use. You must have the oversight of your parents to use the app if you are under 18. Here are our terms of use for your review: ttps://

As for tips, I would suggest the following:
1. Eat regular/balanced meals
2. Are you eating several servings of vegetables and fruits each day?
3. Are you drinking enough water?
4. Are you drinking several servings of low-fat or fat-free milk daily? Many teens feel best by cutting out sweet drinks such as regular soda, juice, and energy drinks.

5. Also, are you finding activities that you enjoy? Perhaps you might try a new sport or hobby that gets you outside in the fresh air. Or maybe do some dancing. Moving our bodies helps us feel appreciative for all that our body can do, even if it doesn’t look the way we think they should.

At MyNetDiary, we take health very seriously. If you are struggling with your appearance or body image, I would suggest getting help from a professional counselor who works with teens. Here is a resource:

Please let me know if you received this. In good health, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
