New me Topic

Yesterday I had a hard but good talk with someone I care deeply for. They helped me realize that I need to take care of me more and not others so much. It’s a hard thing to accept and harder to do. I’ve always been the first to take care of others. Even telling some, in certain situations that they need to take care of themselves, lacking taking my own advice. So today I am taking a new step into the week. I am taking care of me and my needs, and part of that is my health. I’ve let it get away from me and it’s something that bothers me deeply. My Goal is to loose 100lbs… I haven’t really set a by date because I don’t want to fail myself with it achieving that goal date. I did set one for the app but I’m not going to hold strong to tat date. That same person who gave me a strong check is going to be a big supporter of me too, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s time to get moving, change is coming and I’m ready for it.

New me