Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Can Be Overwhelming Topic

You probably feel overwhelmed and confused. You're asking yourself, “What now?”

Well, the good news is you have a community to fall back on. You don’t have to maneuver this by yourself. You have the support of countless others who have felt the same shock. Your diagnosis is simply the first step. There are ways you can manage your diabetes—through diet, exercise, medical support and emotional help. Dig in. Take action. And know that we have everything you need to help you live a long, healthy life surrounded by people who know exactly what you’re going through.

To use glucose as energy, your body needs insulin. But with type 2 diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it well—and your body’s cells can’t use glucose for the energy it needs. When glucose stays in your blood, it can cause serious problems.

While there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, there are ways to manage your condition—through a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and (in some cases) medicine.

Medicine can be another key to managing your type 2 diabetes. Work with your doctor to see what medicines can help you keep your blood sugar in your target range. Some people take both pills and insulin or insulin by itself. If you’re starting new medicines, ask your doctor, pharmacist or diabetes educator the following questions:

- How many pills do I take?
- How often should I take them, and when?
- Should I take my medicine on an empty stomach or with food?
- What if I forget to take my medicine and remember later?
- What side effects could I have?
- What should I do if I have side effects?
- Will my diabetes medicine cause a problem with any of my other medicines?

Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Can Be Overwhelming