Night exercises able to be done in my room Topic

What exercise am I able to do in my room? It’s dark outside so I can’t go for a walk or run but I went over my calorie budget for the day and need to burn some off. I’ve done four minutes of sit ups but they don’t burn much off and I’m getting sick of them, any recommendations?

If u want to lose body fat or just want to get stronger there’s a few ways that’s alright. Sit up’s (which your doing) push-ups, incline push-ups like on a chair or if u do Russian twists which work your abs. Even flutter kicks they are very good at making your abs stronger and help lose body fat around them. Hope this helps.


Hi there StarLight299-
Some days you'll go over budget and that's ok.

Changing our habits is all about progress, not perfection. Try to look ahead. What can you do to eat differently tomorrow? Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Dancing - and it's aerobic too, so it's good for your heart. Put on your favorite rock 'n roll and have a good time.

Night exercises able to be done in my room