Not eating enough? Topic

Hi! I’ve been having a problem as of late. I’ve been hitting my caloric goals easily, but I’ve only been eating about 500-800 calories per day! My macros have been quite balanced, and I’ve been exercising about 60-120 min a day, but I don’t think I’m eating enough to support these changes or lose 2 lbs a week. I don’t know how to get enough calories without either feeling nervous/guilty for getting them that high, or eating unhealthy foods! I’m quite puzzled on what to do, and ideas?

I’m having basically the same problem :/

I’m not a dietary expert or nutritionist by any means but it seems to me that you aren’t eating enough to sustain this type of daily routine. From personal experience, I found that eating low amounts of food and doing a lot of exercise feels great in the short term but makes me very lethargic after a few months. I think the most important thing is that if you feel tired, dizzy or even just hungry just eat until you feel better and adjust your food patterns accordingly. I think that the main way apps like these help you loose weight is by showing you how much you eat daily (for me it was more than I thought) and prevent mindless snacking. Don’t get hung up over how much you eat or the calories because it is mostly unnecessary unless you need it medically or for a bodybuilding contest. Just have fun with what you eat good luck!

Healthy fats like avocado, nuts and seeds, and omega-3’s could definitely help boost your intake while helping you avoid falling back into unhealthy eating habits. Many nutritionists recommend eating multiple small meals a day, which may help you. So if you’re shooting for say 1600cal/day, maybe 3 400 cal meals + 2 200 cal snacks could do the trick. Something like an apple + peanut butter or carrot sticks + hummus might do the trick for you!

Your input has been seen, thank you! I’ll try taking your advice for a while and see how I feel. :)

Not eating enough?