Not eating enough? Topic

Hi! I’ve been having a problem as of late. I’ve been hitting my caloric goals easily, but I’ve only been eating about 500-800 calories per day! My macros have been quite balanced, and I’ve been exercising about 60-120 min a day, but I don’t think I’m eating enough to support these changes or lose 2 lbs a week. I don’t know how to get enough calories without either feeling nervous/guilty for getting them that high, or eating unhealthy foods! I’m quite puzzled on what to do, and ideas? I’m 5 foot 4, 156lbs and 16 years old.

Eat more healthy fats like avacado and other whole foods with a high caloric density. This way you can still eat healthy without feeling overly full and snot having to eat unhealthy foods.

Hi Kapp'n-
While tracking calories, macros, and other metrics can be helpful for many individuals working to lose weight, for others it can promote negative feelings about your body otherwise known as a negative body image.

This is important, as negative body image can impact your overall well-being. Specifically, it can impact your self-confidence, your mood, and the way you relate to others. In some cases, a negative body image can lead to an eating disorder.

At 16 years of age, you are still growing and your body is changing. You need to fuel your body every day to make sure you are healthy. You'll need to double your energy intake to meet your macro and micronutrient needs. From what you shared, you are not eating enough.

Do your parents know you are using this website/app and are communicating over forum? MyNetDiary does not permit anyone under the age of 18 to use the app without the guidance and direct supervision of their parents or guardians. Here you will find our Terms of Use, for your review:

I would suggest meeting 1:1 with a Registered Dietitian to develop a healthy eating plan taking into account your preferences and health goals. This link can help you find a nutrition professional:

You deserve to be happy and healthy and feel good in your own skin! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Not eating enough?