Not losing weight? Topic

Hi! I know this complaint is gonna sound super stupid, because I haven’t weighted myself once since I’ve started trying to lose weight (Dec.20) but does anyone think that I could be sabotaging my plans by not eating enough? I’ve been noticing that I’ve only been eating around 800-500 calories a day (Through veggies, fruit, nuts and nut butter, and protein) and going to the gym at least 5 times a week doing HIT exercise and light resistance training, but haven’t noticed any physical changes yet. Not only that, but I feel hungry a bit more often then normally. (As I used to eat around 400 calories and ignored my hunger pangs) I don’t know how to solve these problems, nor can I bring myself to get weighted due to the stress it would provide, any suggestions?

I recommend eating at least 1200 calories a day and eating them either a little in the morning and one big meal at night or doing multiple little meals during the day to speed up your metabolism

Hi Kapp'n-
I am sorry to hear you are struggling. It can be hard when we are putting a lot of energy and attention into something and not seeing the results we expect. Eating enough energy each day is imperative for good health such as a strong heart and lungs, a strong immune system, healthy bones and proper brain function. When we don’t eat enough and ignore our body’s signals of hunger, we can’t make good decisions. Simply put, our brain doesn’t work as well.

From what you shared you are not eating enough to maintain or promote proper health. I would suggest eating more. Specifically, strive to eat 3 meals/day and 3 snacks. Make sure your meals and snacks are well balanced. This article explains how to build a healthy meal:

In addition to eating enough fuel, you also need to stay hydrated. This article maps out your fluid needs:

At MyNetDiary, we take health very seriously. It sounds like you are struggling with how you look, otherwise known as body image. This article provides suggestions on improving body image:

I would suggest you pause tracking and get help from a professional counselor. This resource provides counselors:

I realize this may not be what you were hoping to hear. Please know this advice comes from a place of concern. While tracking can be helpful for some people, for others it can trigger an eating disorder. Eating disorders are very serious. We at MyNetDiary do not allow individuals with eating disorders to use the app. Here are the terms and conditions (for your review) you agreed to when you began using the app:

Please see this article for information on disordered eating and tracking:

You deserve to feel good about yourself regardless of your weight and how you look in the mirror! I hope you find some help so you can feel your best! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Not losing weight?