Old (37 yrs) post gastric by pass Topic

Any suggestions to speed loss?

Hi U5629126,

Thanks for reaching out. Are you meeting your calorie goal for weight loss? Also, increasing exercise is always a good way to burn extra calories. You may find the information in this article useful. https://www.mynetdiary.com/have-you-been-dieting-and-exercising-but-not-losing-weight-try-these-proven-plateau-solutions.html

Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi there- You may also find this article helpful. It contains tips when using a tracker after weight loss surgery. https://www.mynetdiary.com/food-and-exercise-tracker.html
In good health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi there, I’m a gastric surgery patient myself, 3 years ago. Can I ask how long ago you had your surgery? I’ve put 40 pounds back on since mine but have recently lost 11 of that by starting to track in this app and using protein intake as my primary focus, followed by carbs. Ensure you meet you protein and water intake every day.

I’m gastric sleeve about 7 years ago. Lost 70 lbs, but have gained almost 25. I think with this app I’ll make it. This is my first day on it. Very good app.

Do not eat factory foods! The nutrition is cooked out which makes you hungry all the time plus the chemicals store in fat cells. Real whole foods like real fruit, veggies, deli meats or non-chem meats! Eat a little every 2.5 hours and drink 80 oz of water. You will never be hungry or thirsty and lose weight that stays off. After 4 weeks you will hate processes foods bc the taste like the chemicals they are... read labels!

I am a bypass patient from 6 years ago. I lost 110 but gained back 40 so today is my first day with the app and my new weight loss journey. I am looking forward to reading comments from normal people just like me and hopefully find some needed support.

Old (37 yrs) post gastric by pass