Premium Topic
Hi I was about to buy premium for a year today as thought I was getting a great offer at £38.99 but when I spoke to my daughter she said she was being offered it at £29.99 how does that work??
replied to U1188353114
Hello U1188353114 ,
The regular price for Premium is:
- USD 9 for a monthly payment plan,
- USD 24 for a quarterly payment plan,
- USD 42 for a semi-annual payment plan,
- USD 60 per year.
Sometimes, the mobile app can show an offer of MyNetDiary Premium with a discount. The promotional program is working automatically. I cannot make the iOS or Android app to show up subscription with discount for you. Sorry. The popup with offer is showing up for some accounts often, for others rarely.
For countries different from the USA, they use local currency with an equivalent to USD price. Processing of conversion from one foreign currency to another is managed not by us. In Google Play store, the transaction is handled by Google in the App Store is by Apple.. We are not aware of the internal method these companies use to estimate exchange rates during sales. Cross-courses are varying from time to time, and we do not get specific notification from their current internal cross-course exchange rate.
If you do not want to wait for an offer popup in the app, as a workaround, you can purchase a few Gift Card codes via page. Use the obtained codes via the website as the mobile app does not have an option to apply them. Multiple Gift Card codes can be applied to the same account or to different accounts. The maximum discount is 50%.
The discount depends on the membership length and on the number of codes selected for purchase. A 50% discount is available while purchasing:
- twelve 1-months codes for USD 54,
- eight 3-months codes for USD 96,
- seven 6-months codes for USD 147,
- three 12-months codes for USD 90; (the best possible option.)
For example, if you purchase three twelve-months Gift Cards, you will get 3 years of Premium for USD 90 instead of USD 180. The codes can be applied on the website, via the Settings > Premium membership page.
If you purchase two gift cards with twelve-months of Premium, it will cost you USD 72, (40% discount.)
Dmitry S.
Tech Support, MyNetDiary