Protein Topic

I am looking for recommendations on high protein foods. My doc says I need 91 grams per day. Help?

Eggs are good and protein powder with milk

Fish, probiotic such as KEFIR

Tofu, yogurt and chicken are good

Hi there U1195208803-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! I hope your tracking is going well~

This article includes a great list of protein-rich foods:

Cheers to improved health through tracking~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

to loose weight but also gain glutes & if i weigh 114 how much protein do i eat?

I drink premier protein shakes . 30 grams of protein in each one and they taste delicious!

Hi there U1195000503-
Welcome to MyNetDiary!
It sounds like you are tracking in hopes of shifting your body shape. You may find this article on muscle-building, helpful:
Please keep us updated on your progress! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
