Protein Shakes Topic

Hello MelG323,

That is a good question. Are you trying to lose weight while building muscle? It can be tricky to limit calories while meeting protein needs. Many people find that they can get plenty of protein from food sources. Spreading the protein throughout the day is one of the keys to success. Here are some expert articles on the topic that you will hopefully find useful.

Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Brenda, thank you. I am working on maintaining muscle because of how much I do, and because I am approaching my 40th trip around the sun. Thank you for the articles.

And yes I am attempting to drop some excess weight in the process.

I use it for my breakfast in milk just because it’s easy and I don’t have to cook anything. Plus the protein keeps me from snacking through the morning.

Hello MelG323,

Did you find those articles useful? I also like Wolfflet's nice example of adding a little protein powder to milk to stay more satisfied between meals!
As we go through the lifecycle our calorie requirements decrease with each decade yet our protein needs increase. I, myself, have had to switch up my food choices to rely a little more on protein and less on carbs while my 20-something daughter can eat more starchy foods and is just fine. For example, my plate is a little heavier with lean proteins, like chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, and loads of colorful veggies with 1/4 of the plate a high fiber grain or starch. Hers can be heavier in the grain section. My snack might be 10 almonds and a small apple, while hers might be a large apple with peanut butter. To stay fit you just have to switch gears a little as you go through the life cycle. Smaller plates and dishes help a lot too! Would love to hear how you are doing with your health journey! Take care, Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Our family favorite use for protein powder is sugar free protein pudding YUM! I use 1 serving of protein powder per 8oz milk and follow the proportions on the sugar free pudding box. My kids like the whey protein best (just like regular pudding). I like the vegan protein powders (makes the pudding extra thick). Powdered peanut butter mixed with vanilla protein and vanilla pudding is awesome layered on chocolate protein pudding!
We are just starting to experiment with protein popsicles for the summer. Great way to have a guilt free dessert!
I am starting to really pay attention to what kind of protein powder we use. Fast absorbing (whey) means I will be hungry faster - slow absorbing (plant, egg white) will keep me fuller for longer. A big deal since I am pretty much hungry all the time. Sigh

I started using whey protein shake recently and have already
a small glass helps keep me full during the day so I'm much less tempted to snack on the wrong things.

Protein Shakes