Rate of loosing weight Topic

Hello all hope you are all doing great
This month I just lost 3kg and I feel disappointed
Taught I could do better than that because I was sticking to my cal deficit my workout and all that so don’t really know where I failed
Wanted to know if loosing 3kg a month is too small and If it’s possible to lose 5kg a month and how
Thanks and blessed week to y’all

Hey Salma, 3kg is still very good going! Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Hey Salma! 3kg is great! It’s good to know that you’ve lost a lot of weight. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You will definitely do better in the coming months.

Thanks a lot for the replies
I hope to hit at least 65 for my birthday (19th of March)

Wanted to hit 60 for my birthday but at this rate it’s quite impossible so let’s set realistic goals
Thanks for the replies and I’m going to be more patient with myself

1/2 kg of weightloss per week is usually the average. So, if you’ve lost 3kg in one month, you’re doing very well!!! Good job 💪🏻

On 1554 calories and doing 10k steps weigh 12 stone and at 5ft 7 not loosing weight

Hi there U1193367049-
We are happy to provide some tips, though I need a bit more information-

How long have you been tracking with MyNetDiary?
Were you losing and then your weight loss suddenly stopped? How much weight did you lose before it stopped?

Are you able to get in 10K steps every day? (That is awesome by the way)! Are you doing any planned physical activity?

What diet changes have you already made? For example, did you give up soda?

I thought you might find this article helpful:

Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Rate of loosing weight