Recovering from undereating Topic

I used to overeat a lot which lead me to be overweigh with a bmi of 25.6. So I started dieting. This diet lead me into unhealthy eating habits. In early December, I started eating smaller portions. I lost about 5 lbs, giving me a bmi of 24.7. In late December, I started eating 600 calories a day and I started back working out every day, which burns 300. This soon lead to 500 calories a day. In January, I started eating under 400 calories a day, usually around 350 while keeping the same workout patterns. I was miserable. Low energy, everything. But i lost 11 lbs. My bmi was 19.9. A week ago, I decided that’s not enough calories per day, so I started eating a maximum of 550 a day along with drinking at least 50 oz of water, eating more protein,and taking vitamins. I gained weight at first (1.2 lbs), but then lost 1.6 lbs. This boosted my energy and life has been so much better since I lost weight (people are so much nicer and I’m making more friends. Maybe because I’m more confident). I’m stuck at this same weight. I want to be healthy and have energy, but I also want to continue to lose weight. How do I do this? My maintenance is 1950 calories and my daily budget is 1,210. I want to lose at least 2 per week. I don’t want to gain anything back but I want to enjoy eating food again. Any advice that’s sure to work?

This is literally anorexia. Please go to your dr for help. And be mindful for how triggering this is for people.

I didn’t mean to trigger anyone, I just want help and don’t feel comfortable talking to people face to face about my problems. I’m really sorry

The most I can really say as someone also suffering from this I just want you to be happy but I know both of us are stuck in anorexia so it’s not like I’m going to tell you get help. What I will say however to help you enjoy food more as something of positivity is that you can eat whatever so long as it’s under or at your calorie limit. There is no shame or harm in eating something very fatty like a avocado cause if it’s within your limits then cool! Enjoy that avocado! Basically if you can, letting yourself eat any food group will make you feel more free because the thing that matters most whether you want to gain or lose weight is the total calories consumed. Take care friend I hope your doing alright.

Hi Veeeeeeemo,

I am sorry to hear you are struggling with your weight and energy levels. It really sounds like you are struggling with disordered eating. The National Eating Disorder association can help. Here is their contact info:
While tracking food & exercise can be valuable for users wanting to improve their health, it can reinforce unhealthy behaviors for those with or at risk of developing an eating disorder. We suggest you delete the app and get help if you have an eating disorder. We at MyNetDiary take health very seriously. We prohibit anyone with an active eating disorder from using the app. Research has shown that tracking while struggling with an eating disorder can make things worse. Here are our terms and conditions for your review:
In addition, here's some important information about disordered eating with resources for support:

I hope you get help from an eating disorder specialist. Please take care of yourself. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

This should not be considered “triggering” you should be ready for those types of stories on an app like this.

hii, i really do hope you can fix the way you view yourself and find healthier ways to lose if you still feel the need to <3

Hi Veeeeeeemo, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling with undereating. MyNetDiary expressly prohibits use of their tracker if a person is suffering from an eating disorder. This is NOT a safe tool for you to use. Please stop using this tracker (or any other calories tracking app).

Your calories intake is not enough to sustain a healthy weight or growth, especially if you are teen. Seeking help from an eating disorder specialist (or related health care provider) will help you survive and recover and heal safely. An anonymous post on a public calories tracker forum is not a safe or effective way to get help for disordered eating. I have shared your post with the dietitan team. The usual protocol is to remove high risk users from the app. This is for your safety, we do not mean to be punitive.

I am also copying & pasting Brenda's earlier response to you in case you did not read it:

I am sorry to hear you are struggling with your weight and energy levels. It really sounds like you are struggling with disordered eating. The National Eating Disorder association can help. Here is their contact info:
While tracking food & exercise can be valuable for users wanting to improve their health, it can reinforce unhealthy behaviors for those with or at risk of developing an eating disorder. We suggest you delete the app and get help if you have an eating disorder. We at MyNetDiary take health very seriously. We prohibit anyone with an active eating disorder from using the app. Research has shown that tracking while struggling with an eating disorder can make things worse. Here are our terms and conditions for your review:
In addition, here's some important information about disordered eating with resources for support:

I hope you get help from an eating disorder specialist. Please take care of yourself. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Kathy (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Recovering from undereating