Should I stop snacking so much? Topic

I’ve been getting pretty concerned lately because i’m not sure if my eating behaviors are causing me to gain weight. I like to snack a lot especially during school but I never go above my calorie limit (I usually have 20-90 calories left). My main concern is that despite staying underneath my limit all the snacks I eat is causing me to gain weight. Should I stop?

don’t stop snacking, just get more exercise in. waking just a little bit more will give you more of a deficit! and maybe drinking some water instead of having a snack first to curb that craving, but if your still hungry in an hour have a snack!

Hi U1192571226,

Thanks for posting your question. I have some questions you may want to answer for yourself to help you figure out why you're not losing and it will help you determine whether or not snacking fits in your plan.

Have you been consistently gaining weight while following this calorie level?

Are you sure you are capturing all your calories with accurate tracking?

Are you adding exercise calories back into your calorie budget? If so, I would turn off that option on the tracker.

Also, here are two good articles to help you troubleshoot.

Please keep us posted. Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’m not sure if this is the healthy choice but I completely cut out snacking because I feel that was my main issue and what was making me gain weight in the first place. I had an issue with unhealthy snacking though and overeating. Are the snacks you are choosing healthy?

I eat snacks when I am peckish, but it’s like a small apple, or banana, 4 or 5 unsalted almonds, etc.
Alway healthy snacks, but I do reward myself on Sundays, a few candies, or a small doughnut after church. My kids usually come over on Sunday so I like to splurge, within reason.

If you’re gonna snack, snack on fruit. a pound of rasberries is only like 230 calories. Avoid the donuts, but keep snacking.

I feel it’s healthy to snack. The choice is making it a portion control and not high in sugar if I don’t I feel more hungry at next meal So for me my go to snack is ; palm size nuts & a small chuck cheese And some days just the nuts It’s not cheating to snack. Treat yourself for the great job you are doing changing your habits. It’s a lifestyle not a diet

Jackie7- Thanks for sharing what works for you. Such sound advice! It truly is a lifestyle, not a diet. Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

As long as you stay within your calorie range for the day it shouldn’t matter right?

Should I stop snacking so much?