Therapy Topic

I am paralyzed from my chest down to my feet. I’m starting to get in the chair more often and am doing some weight lifting and wheeling up and down the hall ways. Do you add this to my exercises or no because I’m sedentary (sorry if I spelt that wrong) thank you.

Greetings LaFarren2013- Welcome back! That is awesome that you are getting in your chair more and more and that it is possible for you to include some wheeling around your house AND weight lifting. Pat yourself on the back!
When you wrote in back in early April you were actively working to lose weight. Are you still actively pursuing weight loss? The reason I ask, is we at MND suggest that you do not add exercise calories back into your daily calorie budget when actively working on weight loss as it will provide you a higher calorie budget which may equate to slower weight loss.
Back in early April your target calories were 1450/day. We suggest not going below 1200 cals a day or less than 60g of protein a day. This ensures you are meeting your nutritional needs. Great job on your therapy and pushing yourself to move more!
All the best, Joanna (MND Dietician)
