this seems like such a good app Topic

as a past-bulimic, ive spent a lot of time on pro-eating disorder forums and chats, and honestly joined here with the hope of that kind of thing, but everyone here seems so nice and ive decided to loose the weight healthily! i have about 30 pounds to drop, so any encouragement is much appreciated!! thanks, nice to be here :)

shit i just realised this should be in “newbies”, sorry!

I’m also post bulimic. No vomiting for over 3 years.
You can do this xx

I’m super duper proud!!! Keep on going strong and remember to always love you body and nurture it to its fullest <3 Im a past E.D client as well and but we’ve got to be strong together <3 Remember all food is good food :)

Love this app!

this seems like such a good app