Tips on a multi day hike Topic

I am wanting to do the great north walk Sydney to Newcastle in Australia. Just need tips on how to train for it as it’s a 260km hike I’m not very fit at the moment but be good to set a goal once I know where to start

Hi Millzie1996-
What an inspiring goal!
I'd suggest starting out by dividing this large goal into some smaller milestones.
-First off, do you have the supplies you need? Good walking shoes, good hiking boots, properly fitting socks, walking or trekking poles, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, etc.
-You'll want to start off by building a walking base, then increase your mileage.
-After increasing your mileage, make sure you are finding a way to incorporate hills (both up and down) in your training.
-In addition to walking and hiking consider cross-training such as pilates or resistance training. This will help to support your core and other muscles so you don't get injured. Here's a couple blog resources that may help:

-Of course, you'll want to make sure to get the ok from your doctor before starting any new workout program or big endeavor such as this one. This way you can make sure you aren't going to aggravate any health conditions.

Does this help get you started? I am so curious to hear what tips others may have for you! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Tips on a multi day hike