Tonight I lost it :( Topic

So tonight I had my first big binge. Stress at home plus being sick led to a MASSIVE binge. Ate a whole dominos pizza, garlic bread and choc lava cake. So disappointed in myself, I’d been doing so well!

Added the points and it was roughly 2000 calories for just one binge. Really going to try to get back on track tomorrow but feeling awful and angry tonight.

Be aware about why the binging happened, no need to feel bad about it. Did you enjoy all the yummy treats?

Today went over the calorie allowance personally after eaten on calorie allowance plan for the first 8 days since started.

Get a fresh start tomorrow,
Wishing a speedy recovery!

Thank you so much, your kind words help a lot.

Thank you so much, your kind words help a lot.

Thanks for the honesty hun. You get on track hun ?? it happens to the beat of us at some point. Try not to beat yourself up as you can wake up fresh and start on track again

There’s a excercise to help you through cravings I was shared I’ll post it once I get back home tonight

There’s a link to the video

Not 100% u can see it without being a member, but anyone is welcome in it

If that doesn’t work u can join the group on

Hey Catf just checking in to see how you went the next day?

Hey Catf just checking in to see how you went the next day?

Tonight I lost it :(