Too much snacking Topic

Hi MyNetDiary,

I need help! I am fine when I am doing things in the day and food isn’t usually on my mind but I really struggle at weekends. I never have much to do and always find myself thinking about food. I often find that I result to just snacking because it’s easier. How could I change my habits so that I could find something else to do or at least something healthier to eat? It is really annoying me as I feel like I diet for a whole week and then it’s a waste of time because I overeat ridiculously at weekends. Is there a solution?


PS. Happy New Year Everyone!

Personally, I think that getting healthy snacks in is a must and drinking lots of water! Also, it’s okay to indulge a little bit, love your body by giving it some sweets!!

Hi, it can really be a struggle both mentally and physically. I honestly believe that we can become dependent and I dare say addicted to certain foods that aren’t good for us like the extra added sugar especially. When times are tough when you want to reach for that snack, reach for something that is more healthy that you’ll actually enjoy. Phone a friend, go for a walk, go outside and do something you enjoy. I like to do guided meditational it helps me. I can’t do my own meditation because I have no idea how to do it. There are lots of apps that have free versions that will at least give certain standard lessons and at least one practice a day. If you have a dog go to the dog park or take them on a walk. Use google as your friend to check out some substitutes to snacks you love. Oh and the recipes on here are really great. There are many new chips now that are healthy that I really enjoy too. Some natural sugars like fruits. It can be done I believe in you. I have Parkinson’s and am at home every day so I really understand your journey.

Try to eat more protein or try to be in a slight calorie surplus. I used to try to stick to 1,200 calories, but I always ended up snacking because I was so hungry. Now, I get 1,600 ( bulking purposes) with meals that are high in protein and I hardly snack!

Hi #fat+mental4life, your weekends sound challenging. It is great you recognize that your weekend habits are undoing your efforts during the week. That's the first step, now you need to come up with a plan to make some changes. Could you add some structure to your weekend to include activities to fill up your days? These articles have great ideas that you may find useful.

Please keep us posted! You are not alone in this! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thanks everyone! I will definitely be taking some of this advice on board. 😀

Too much snacking